Awtaru Kebede Ministry serves worship leaders, worship musicians, and worship songwriters. We cover topics such as leading worship, planning worship, church audio, church video, guitar, keyboards, vocals, percussion, praise & worship, worship conferences, worship set lists, worship forums, and much more.
June 29, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
Ammanuel Ethiopian EV. Church
5411 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA 22310

Awtaru Kebede
Awtaru Kebede is a gifted-energetic Ethiopian Gospel singer. He is from Misgana Church, one of the many Evangelical Churches in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Samrawit Caesar
Samrawit Caesar is a gifted-energetic Ethiopian Gospel singer. She is from Faith Army Church, one of the many Evangelical Churches in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.